Stash it under the mattress

What are your tricks for saving money?

I am, admittedly and unfortunately, not a natural born saver.  I never have been good at paying myself first, building that nest egg, or setting aside for a rainy day. I'd have to say that I fall somewhere in the middle of the broad spectrum between spendthrift and miser - I don't spend foolishly or wastefully (anymore), nor do I stash away cash and watch bank balances go up and up and up with anything resembling rapidity.

Moving to Vienna obviously requires a certain financial investment.  Moving anywhere does, but there is more pressure when moving to a different country.  I don't have the assurance that I'll be able to walk into a coffee shop in Vienna and get a job as a barista to pay the bills if whatever official job I do get first doesn't pan out - those minor issues of work visas and not being fluent in the language, you know.  So, beyond the expenses of actually moving and getting ourselves (and all our stuff) there, I'd like to have as much money in the bank as possible before we go.

How's that for a goal - "as much money as possible."  Hmmm - I think it's time for some serious pecuniary planning.

One of the Big Six on my To Do List is - "Save Money."  That is the heading at the top of the page.  What I need to figure out now is what comes underneath that heading.  HOW am I going to Save Money?  What can I do to squeeze every penny out of my current income and stash it away, safely out of reach until the time comes to move?  Are there ways to maximize or leverage my money, to make what I do have and what I am able to save "work harder" for me? (Isn't that the lovely phrase that personal finance gurus use all the time?)

Some ideas and thoughts - in no particular order of importance or implementation - but things I've heard of, read about, tried myself, am hoping will work.

  • Track current spending - to determine where I can cut back and how much I can afford to stash aside
  • Make cuts in spending (based on above)
  • Set a realistic budget (based on above) and stick to it
  • Downsize (apartment, clothing allowance, etc.)
  • Repair and reuse instead of replacing
  • Write down every penny I spend, every day - keeping track supposedly helps you stay aware ALL THE TIME
  • Eat out less, stay home more
  • Establish a goal - set a specific dollar amount for how much I want need to save
  • Set up an automatic transfer to savings account each month
  • Make it a game
  • Open a virtual Piggy Bank
  • Use a real piggy bank (or some other appropriate receptacle we already own - see, saving $ already!) and fill it with every penny, nickel, dime, quarter I find
  • Play the $5 Bill Game

    What works for you?  Do you have any special tricks for saving money?  Tips for living on a budget?


    kate wiseman | June 18, 2010 at 7:33 AM

    I LOVE the new format!! Yay!!

    xx kate

    rockinkez | June 18, 2010 at 7:36 AM

    good luck with the saving! (its something i've always been pretty bad at).
    the new 'look' to your blog is great :)

    Caroline | June 18, 2010 at 8:22 AM

    Thanks, Kate and New Girl! I think I've finally, finally, finally found THE format. Thank goodness! I'm glad you like.

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