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Meet up in Vienna

I'm so excited that people are excited to meet!!  I'm thinking Sunday, May 9th, from, say, 2:00 - 4:00 (I know people have work during the week).  Picking a location is the difficult part, as I've never been to Vienna!  I've gotten lots of recommendations for cafe's, restaurants, etc., but I'm not yet sure where exactly any of them are in the city.  Does anyone have a recommendation for a place that is centrally-located, easy to find?

Can't wait!!
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Enjoying where I am

A 90-minute walk was on the workout agenda yesterday.  It being a gorgeous day and one in which I actually had someplace to be midday, I decided that I didn't have time to head to San Francisco or my old neighborhood in Oakland to get in some strolling, but that I couldn't waste the beautiful weather by heading to the gym.  So, I decided to take a long walk around town.  Kiefer and I have lived here in the suburbs for seven months now and despite loving the house, we haven't connected with the place on the whole.  We get out of town and back to our old haunts as often as possible.

The sun was shining, it was early enough to not be too hot, and there was a gentle breeze.  There is a trail near my house but there is little scenery and I've actually run many miles of it in the past seven months, so that didn't sound terribly exciting.  Instead, I headed out with no destination in mind to wind through the residential streets and see where it is I've been living for more than half a year.

What did I find?  Two parks that I didn't know existed.  A cat that looked just like my Bear, except all white instead of all black.  I tried to coax the cat to me with a magic kitty call and whispers of "NegaBear, come here, NegaBear." (Didn't work. Go figure.) I also found that there are roses in bloom everywhere and I played with the new Hipstamatic App on my iPhone for a few shots.

It was lovely.  A different kind of lovely for me, who is drawn more to people watching and hustle and bustle than gardens and quiet strolls, but lovely nonetheless.

P.S. On the packing front.......it's all going to fit, carry-on it is!  I feel so proud.
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Calling all American Girl blog readers in Vienna

I'm not sure exactly how to make it work, but I love the idea of a little meet & greet with folks in Vienna when we're there in a couple weeks.  Perhaps I could pick a place, a day and time and anyone who is interested and available could join me for a coffee, a white wine spritzer, a chat.  It's coming up quickly ~ we arrive on the afternoon of Saturday, May 8 and leave Thursday morning, May 13 ~ maybe something on Sunday, May 9 or one of the weekday evenings?

I have so thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated your thoughts, comments, suggestions on An American Girl these past few months and I'd love to say hello and thank you in person when I have the chance.
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Can she do it?

I am inexplicably obsessed with the desire to use only a carry-on suitcase for our trip.  One carry-on for my things, that is, not for both of our belongings. (I may be a little bit of a kook, but I'm not certifiable!)

I don't really have a good reason, so it would be futile to ask why.  There is no practical need for it, as we won't be trekking around with our baggage daily.  But there is something so satisfying about being thoughtful and planning just right.  I dream that I am a jet-setting world-traveler who can throw a few items into a bag and yet spend two weeks in Europe looking as though she's delved into her closet-full-of-clothes each day.  Every item just right, looks and feels stylish and fabulous each day, never feels at a loss for something left at home.

Today is "practice packing" day.  Really, that's what I wrote on my calendar - "Practice Packing."  Kiefer is skeptical.  I am giddy with anticipation.  We'll see if I can do it!
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Speaking of speaking...

The big question now is - will we be able to communicate our desire for a day pass, a guest pass, a temporary membership?  I gather that we'll be able to navigate the city well enough in broken German phrases and English as tourists.  But what about when we venture into the "real world," those activities that are more suited to residents than visitors?  Like going to a gym and conversing with someone about the amenities, the membership rates, if it is possible to get a visitor's pass.  How do you say Visitor's Pass in German?  I wonder if the iTranslate app on my iPhone knows that one.
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Speaking of those goals...

Just had a conversation with Kiefer:

Me (speaking with a hint of giddiness in my voice): Do you realize we'll have 2 weeks of no working out?
Him: What do you mean? 
Me: In Europe, on our trip, we'll be gone for 2 weeks.
Him: So.
Me: So, we won't be going to the gym.
Him:  Why wouldn't we be going to a gym? There are gyms in Vienna...gyms in England, too.
Me: And we'll go to them? 
Him: Um, yea (slightly exasperated tone).
Me: To work out?
Him:  Yea (again with the tone).  And, actually, it's really important that we check out the gyms while we're in Vienna so we can find out what the situation is like before we move.  It could be a deal-breaker.
Me: Oh. Um. Right.

All kidding aside, I have actually been thinking about this for a few days.  I recently embarked on a new workout plan to get in shape for a Figure Competition .  I don't think I'm actually going to compete (really can't see myself spray-tanned, sporting a bikini and heels onstage), but I do want to be in that kind of shape.  I've been working hard for just two weeks now and I was, I kid you not, thinking that it'll be a shame to lose the momentum while we're out of town.  I laughed at myself when I considered this because I am actually going a few steps beyond my normal diligence with that thought.  But it did cross my mind.  It didn't occur to me, however, to think of ways in which I wouldn't have to break my routine.  It did occur to my husband, which shouldn't surprise me.

This brings me to the other question that has been on my mind.  What is the fitness situation like in Vienna?  Are there gyms like there are here?  Small gyms? Big corporate gyms? Is there a fitness culture?  Do people work out much?  Are the gyms open early/late/all the time?  I like to go to the gym first thing in the morning.  Kiefer likes to go late at night.  Will we be able to keep our routines?

For Kiefer, having access to a gym and the ability to work out daily is essential, personally and professionally.  My career and livelihood is not tied to the fitness industry, as his is, but health and fitness is an integral part of my daily life.  How much of our lifestyle, if any, will have to change?  Will we be oddballs or will we fit in better there than we do here (being more focused on health and fitness than a lot of the general population around us)?  

All I know is that I'll be packing my workout gear and my iPod, that part of our exploration will be to find a fitness center that offers day or guest passes and that I'll probably feel a whole heck of a lot better doing that than I would if I didn't workout for an entire two weeks.

I do draw the line at sticking to my strict no-carb diet on the trip.  I will most certainly be partaking in all the glorious food and drink that Vienna has to offer.  Which means that finding a gym may be even more important!

P.S.  Gyms/Fitness Centers doesn't seem to be a major topic in any of my Vienna Guidebooks, so if anyone in the city has a recommendation, please don't hesitate to share!  Danke shon.
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Goal....keep an eye on the goal.

I had to make a "big" decision today.  Do I go to yoga this morning or not?  I love my yoga class - I love the class, the teacher, the progress I've made with my Bird of Paradise, and I love it as part of my Saturday Morning Routine.

Recently, though, I set myself new fitness goal and the schedule I need to follow to meet this goal requires me to hit the gym today for a shoulder/bicep weight workout and a bit of cardio.  It also means I've been at the gym every day this week lifting weights and doing cardio workouts.  And, boy, does my body feel it!  I love my yoga class, but it is quite a workout in itself.  To attempt both yoga and my workout today would be too much.

So, yoga, I love you, but I'll have to come back to you.  Perhaps I'll be able to take on more next Saturday, but in the meantime, I'm going to revel in the fact that I'm making this decision without too much hemming and hawing and worrying about whether it's the "right decision to make."  I'm just going to grab my iPod and go.
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 Volcanic Ash Shuts Down Air Traffic in North Europe

I am VERY glad that we weren't scheduled to travel to England today! 

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Ich vermisse dich, Dad! (I miss you, Dad)

Handsome fella, eh.  That's my dad.  My dad and my mom, to be precise, in St. Goar, Germany in the early 1970s.

Dad died two years ago on April 10th, which was this past Saturday.  As I did last year, I spent a few days conflicted, trying to figure out just what/if/how I am supposed to mark the occasion.  I don't live near family with whom I can gather to share the memories over a cup of coffee, which sounds like the best and most comforting way. I'm nowhere near the cemetery, so I can't visit his grave, and I'm not religious, so going to church or praying doesn't have the same meaning or provide solace for me as it may for others.

But as I was trying to think of "a way" to mark the date, it struck me that maybe I don't have to.  Maybe it's enough that I think of him all the time, not in a "he's looking down on me" kind of way, but more just a strong presence that found me while he was sick and in the hospital and hasn't really left since he died.   I don't ask for his guidance on matters or try to speak with him in any way, but I just feel him there and often find myself thinking...hmmm....I wonder what would dad have thought of this?

In the few years prior to my dad's death, my parents were able to travel some to visit family in different parts of the county (one of the advantages to us all being scattered throughout the US).  In 2006, they visited me in California when I graduated with my masters degree and on that trip we went out for lovely dinner in San Francisco at the well-known restaurant, Farallon.  My dad took in the entire menu and finally settled on a dish of Opa, a fish I had never heard of and I don't think he had either, which was precisely why he wanted to try it.

Sounds reasonable enough, but I remember being really surprised.  I had never pegged my father for the adventurous type, regarding food or otherwise.  He liked hamburger meat and mashed potatoes, potato chips and popcorn.  I didn't even know he liked fish!  Fishsticks, maybe, but fish?!  Opa??  Truth is, I never really thought of my dad as existing much beyond my known world of house and home and family and I didn't really start to know him until the last few years of his life.  Sure, I knew him as my dad, but I didn't know him as a person, as an individual, until much later in life. 

Come to find out, my dad did indeed have a love for going new places, experiencing new things, and trying new foods.  So, when I think to myself....hmmm, I wonder what dad would think of me moving to Vienna, I think back to that dinner at Farallon and I know that he would be thrilled.  And when I wonder what I can do to honor his memory, I realize that just embarking on this adventure with Kiefer is paying homage in some way to my relatively new found understanding of him as an individual and not just my father.  While I can't exactly say that I'm doing it "for him," I know that he would be so proud and excited for me.  I only wish he were around to come visit us there once we're settled.

But you can be sure that I'll enjoy all the wienerschnitzel, apfelstrudel and sachre tort I can, just for him.
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Casual Friday

I'm the girl who comes into work all dressed up most every day.  Not necessarily suited up - pants or business-suit, that is - more often a dress or skirt and blouse.  And, yes, I wear heels to work.  Often.

Not today, though, and not so much for the past few weeks and I'm trying to get to the bottom of the problem.  Probably not high on the list of major problems that must be solved, but it's an oddity and I'm curious.  (I am a librarian, you know, we like to research things).

My gut tells me that it's because my heart isn't into it at the moment.  "It" being my work.  I am distracted.  I have so many other things I would much rather be doing and I'm afraid that I'm starting to resent my job for keeping me from all these other activities.  And, so, my appearance is an outward expression of my lackadaisical attitude toward work and my "well, if I have to be here..." attitude.  That's a pretty obvious diagnosis, but it'll have to do for now because I've just used my last 15 minutes of workweek to write a blog post.  See...I definitely have a problem!

Is there such a word as travelitis....honeymoonitis....kind of like senioritis? 

I must admit, though, it is much easier to get around the library quickly in kicky sneakers than in heels!  Maybe there is something good to this casualness after all.
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and excited girl!

I just spent a few minutes at Mimie's Microcosms reading her review of several coffeehouses in Vienna and had my first......oh my gosh, we'll actually be in Vienna in a few weeks! moment (the visit, not the move yet - can't get too far ahead of myself).  Intellectually, I know the trip is coming up.  I even purchased a few travel necessities this weekend.  But this was the big AHA! moment.

As I read, I could picture myself sitting in the various spots very well, drinking my Grosser Brauner and taking in the scenery.  Kiefer and I are coffeehouse people and, well, Vienna is the home of the coffeehouse, so I can't think of a better place to be.

If you're in Vienna or have been there and have a favorite place, please share!
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Lazy Girl....

I was going to blame it on the fact that we have a friend in town and, well, I can actually use that excuse for the weekend, but yesterday and today....my lack of writing.....all me....a bit of laziness!

And I don't know whether this is lazy or smart, but it just dawned on me that while I'm sitting at my computer, I pick up my phone to check my email rather than open a new tab on my browser to open gmail, just so I don't have to toggle back and forth.  And this is now normal.  I don't know....lazy? or efficient? 
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A new world of friends

In my last post, I was lamenting the fact that I have a difficult time making new friends and the implications this would have on my life in Vienna.  Yesterday, as I was reviewing some recent comments I've received on blog posts, it hit me......I already have made connections!

Through An American Girl, I've already "met" quite a few new people and I completely overlooked that the other day.  I have a few regular commenters from Vienna and elsewhere that are friendly, funny, thoughtful, helpful. In many cases, these commenters have blogs of their own that I follow.  And I continue to get comments from new people, which never ceases to surprise and delight me.

This seems, in a way, to be a new kind of friendship, these blogosphere connections.  Whether they ever translate into "let's go get a cup of coffee and chat" friendships is kind of beside the point.

I've been thinking a lot about blogs and friends and the connections we're making online these days and what it all means on a social, emotional, personal relationship level.  It's a little too early in the morning to delve into that (and I've used up all my pre-work-writing time), but for now, trying not to sound overly (or falsely) sentimental, I would like to recognize that these connections do have meaning.  

So, thank you, to my American Girl friends and supporters......and Happy Friday!

P.S.  I just looked at the calendar......exactly one month until the Honeymoon in England and Vienna!  I'm so excited I can hardly breathe!
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