The Friday Five

I got this idea from Abby Try Again, a wonderful blog of "experiments in film photography and general happiness."   Every week, she posts five senses friday, a way to look back and take stock of the previous week through things seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled.  I was hoping to incorporate Five Senses Friday into An American Girl, but I'm not sure I see how to sustain it for weeks on end (will I taste or hear something each week that relates somehow to Vienna or the move?) so I've decided to change it a bit to make it my own (with thanks and apologies to Abby Try Again).

Each Friday, I will post The Friday Five.  Five things I have done, thought, or experienced during the previous week that relate to Vienna, the move, the planning, my blog, or ways in which I/we are celebrating our final year in the Bay Area.  A way to reflect on, appreciate, and share all that happens each week.  And, so, without further ado......

The Friday Five (Freitag funf)
  1. Immersed myself in the German language for 2 hours with the German film, Bella Martha
  2. Through a friend, found a way to get my writing out to the public (I'd like to make writing my livelihood, or at least a part of it, moving forward).  divine caroline - life in your words.  This means, of course, that it is time to seriously begin writing. Gulp.
  3. Changed the look of my blog because I found the previous format - layout, font, colors - difficult to read.  I hope you like the new format.
  4. Kiefer and I are discussing ways to save money for our move and to begin the downsizing process.  We're thinking about selling a lot of our big furniture and other various belongings, keeping the essentials, and moving to a studio (or smaller, cheaper apartment) for the next six to nine months.  Craigslist, here we come!  Anybody in the Bay Area want to buy a crescent moon-shaped, light blue leather couch?
  5. Started The Friday Five!  Okay, that may be cheating a bit, but I just had the idea last night and I'm struggling a bit to come up with Five Things all of a sudden this morning.


Cyprus | February 27, 2010 at 2:44 AM

Greetings from Cyprus, Intersting Blog, enjoyed it,

Anna Claessen | March 5, 2010 at 1:50 PM

I´ll recommend you a movie that is the essence of Vienna, it´s called Before Sunrise, starring Julie Delphy and Ethan Hawke, they are travellers meeting on a train and spend the day in vienna. I love this movie. click the link below to see it.

you can also start to listen to the radio stations here

other interesting sites (for what to do in vienna)

austrian products:

Caroline | March 7, 2010 at 11:17 AM

Thank you, Anna! I saw Before Sunrise many, many years ago (when it was in the theaters here, I believe - that's how long it's been), so I'll definitely pick that one up.

And thanks for the other links! My husband and I will be visiting for the first time in May, so these will come in very handy.

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