Why Blog?
It's something my husband has been talking about for awhile ~ moving out of the United States. I nodded my head along to his talk most of the time thinking, "he's not really serious." I put the kibosh on New Zealand (too far) and said I'd love to move to London, knowing full well it was too expensive and, thus, not a serious consideration.
But then, in the Fall of 2009, he hit me with it. Vienna. Vienna? Huh, that's kind of random, isn't it.
A friend put the idea in his head. A friend who has been to Vienna and brought it up in conversation with my husband one day when he was on one of his rants about wanting to move. It started as simply as that and the idea grew from there. And grow it did.
After first brushing it off, as I had with his previous suggestions, I soon realized that he was very serious and I had to at least give the proposition serious consideration. I thought about the adventure it could be and how I've always, always, always wanted to go to Europe but have always kept it in the "dream" or "someday" life category. I thought about the fact that we're not tied down with a mortgage, we don't have kids. I looked up Vienna and thought, my gosh, history, culture, art ~ Europe! The only reason I had not to go ~ the idea is scary as hell! Time to get over myself, I decided. Time to take on an adventure, not just for him, not just for us, but for myself.
We found out that we know people who know people there, we know people who have lived there, we could actually make connections in this city about which that neither of us had ever given a second, much less a first, thought. We did a little digging, a little research and by the end of 2009, we had decided.
We're moving to Vienna. From California. Within the year. Yikes! What the heck does that mean? What do we do now?
An American Girl is my journey, my way of coping, planning, thinking, stressing...pondering the big IF/HOW/WHY of the move. Sometimes insightful, sometimes practical and, I'm sure, sometimes whine-y, I hope you also find it entertaining, funny, and interesting.
Thank you for reading!
An American Girl