Just had a conversation with Kiefer:
Me (speaking with a hint of giddiness in my voice): Do you realize we'll have 2 weeks of no working out?
Him: What do you mean?
Me: In Europe, on our trip, we'll be gone for 2 weeks.
Him: So.
Me: So, we won't be going to the gym.
Him: Why wouldn't we be going to a gym? There are gyms in Vienna...gyms in England, too.
Me: And we'll go to them?
Him: Um, yea (slightly exasperated tone).
Me: To work out?
Him: Yea (again with the tone). And, actually, it's really important that we check out the gyms while we're in Vienna so we can find out what the situation is like before we move. It could be a deal-breaker.
Me: Oh. Um. Right.
All kidding aside, I have actually been thinking about this for a few days. I recently embarked on a new workout plan to get in shape for a
Figure Competition . I don't think I'm actually going to compete (really can't see myself spray-tanned, sporting a bikini and heels onstage), but I do want to be in that kind of shape. I've been working hard for just two weeks now and I was, I kid you not, thinking that it'll be a shame to lose the momentum while we're out of town. I laughed at myself when I considered this because I am actually going a few steps beyond my normal diligence with that thought. But it did cross my mind. It didn't occur to me, however, to think of ways in which I wouldn't have to break my routine. It did occur to my husband, which shouldn't surprise me.

This brings me to the other question that has been on my mind. What is the fitness situation like in Vienna? Are there gyms like there are here? Small gyms? Big corporate gyms? Is there a fitness culture? Do people work out much? Are the gyms open early/late/all the time? I like to go to the gym first thing in the morning. Kiefer likes to go late at night. Will we be able to keep our routines?
For Kiefer, having access to a gym and the ability to work out daily is essential, personally and professionally. My career and livelihood is not tied to the fitness industry, as his is, but health and fitness is an integral part of my daily life. How much of our lifestyle, if any, will have to change? Will we be oddballs or will we fit in better there than we do here (being more focused on health and fitness than a lot of the general population around us)?
All I know is that I'll be packing my workout gear and my iPod, that part of our exploration will be to find a fitness center that offers day or guest passes and that I'll probably feel a whole heck of a lot better doing that than I would if I didn't workout for an entire two weeks.
I do draw the line at sticking to my strict no-carb diet on the trip. I will most certainly be partaking in all the glorious food and drink that Vienna has to offer. Which means that finding a gym may be even more important!
P.S. Gyms/Fitness Centers doesn't seem to be a major topic in any of my Vienna Guidebooks, so if anyone in the city has a recommendation, please don't hesitate to share! Danke shon.